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  • Clinical Paediatrics History Taking And Case Discussion

This edition includes relevant recent advances in pediatrics which will stimulate the budding pediatrician's thinking abilities and further nurture their inquisitive minds to explore more. New clinical photographs in multicolor format with clarity in highlighting clinical details, flow charts, imaging pictures, and illustrations need special mention. In my opinion, it will go a long way to help the undergraduate trainees to remove their initial fear about the subject called pediatrics and prepare them well for the examinations they would face, help postgraduates to consolidate their knowledge base to go to the next level, and will impart practical tips to the practicing pediatricians.

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Clinical Paediatrics History Taking And Case Discussion

  • Publisher: Wolter Kluwer
  • Product Code: CS 57
  • Author(s): Aruchamy Lakshmanaswamy
  • Edition: 5th
  • ISBN: ‎ 978-9390612451
  • Availability: In Stock
  • NRs. 2,320.00
  • NRs. 1,855.00

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