Fundamentals of ECG has been written in a simple language and provides complete coverage of all important ECG related disorders based on physiological concepts and helps in quick and accurate interpretation of ECG. The important aspects have been highlighted in boxes as Notes/Important notes for quick and easy understanding. Actual ECG illustrations have been furnished to produce a never-ending impact on the mind of the reader and help in easy memorization and reproducibility of various aspects of ECG. The easiest method of calculation of QRS axis has been presented in day-to-day clinical practice.
Fundamentals of ECG
- Publisher: Arya
- Product Code: CS22
- Author(s): Dr. Vipin Gupta
- Editor: Prof N.R. Rau
- ISBN: 9788182961739
- Pages: 112
- Availability: In Stock
- NRs. 160.00
NRs. 130.00
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