Fundamentals of Infertility treatment offers answers to most challenging concepts of infertility. Understanding of both fertility and infertility needs depth of knowledge in reproductive physiology & endocrinology. The book also explains infertility factors based on anatomy, reproductive physiology and reproductive physiology & reproductive endocrinology as integrated approach to infertility management.
- It presents basic components of infertility factors mostly as introduction, etiology, clinical symptoms, investigations & treatment .Most of the abnormal conditions discussed are either anatomical in terms of sonographic explanations or physiological, in terms of hormone levels. The Figures & pictures are included for better understanding of the description of given topics. The figures are mostly freehand & pictures are mostly original.
- The book is intended to meet post-graduate syllabus. It should be useful for post-graduate fellow students in gynecology & related disciplines. Mostly, observed , short case studies have been attached at the end of some of the disease states to support evidence-based method of learning.
- The idea of writing book arose many years of ago & interesting cases were noted since those days. The scattered ideas are compared to references & quoted as per need. The references were selected on quality basis.
- The foundation of experience to write this book evolved from 1992-93 as a milestone when infertility centre came in existence with the aim of providing complete infertility treatment in the country. Gradual setting of hormone assay laboratory & introduction of ultrasonography helped in understanding structure-function relationship of the infertility .
Fundamentals of Infertility Treatment
- Publisher: Samiksha Publication
- Product Code: NH110
- Author(s): Dr Uma Shrivastava Pokharel
- Edition: 1st
- Published Year: 2022(2078)
- ISBN: 978-9937-759-34-2
- Pages: 336
- Availability: In Stock
- NRs. 1,195.00
NRs. 955.00