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Basic Medical Procedure & First Aid
Salient Features:Essential Medical Procedures provides a detailed supplement to practical instr..
NRs. 440.00 NRs. 550.00
Basics of Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Salient Features of the Book:Designed For Undergraduate and Graduate Students of General Science, Mi..
NRs. 395.00 NRs. 495.00
BPH Complete Manual Fourth year
A Complete Review of All Subjects with Solution of Past and Probable Questions of Bachelor in Public..
NRs. 780.00 NRs. 975.00
BPH Complete Manual Third year
Salient features:A Complete Review of All Subjects with Solution of Past and Probable Questions..
NRs. 560.00 NRs. 700.00
A complete subject-wise/chapter-wise solution of past and probable Questions of C.M.A .programsAn id..
NRs. 715.00 NRs. 895.00
Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book (नेपाली माध्यममा)
नेपाल सरकारको स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्थापन सूचना प्रणाली (HMIS) तथा संशोधित रोग उपचार निर्देशिकाहरुमा आधारित..
NRs. 955.00 NRs. 1,195.00
The book facilitates health care practitioners and professionals in their actions and performance d..
NRs. 580.00 NRs. 725.00
CMLT Question Bank
Chapter-wise collection of past Questions according to new Curriculum with recent Question papers &a..
NRs. 360.00 NRs. 450.00
Conceptual Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Organic)
Salient Features of the Book:Specially designed for CTEVT Diploma in Pharmacy 3rd year students who ..
NRs. 420.00 NRs. 525.00
Concise Book of Dental hygienist Vol-I Second Year (CDS)
A book in dental hygienist (CDS) course covering the Four main subjects with updates contents.Keepin..
NRs. 795.00 NRs. 995.00
The first book in dental hygienist course in the last 18 years since the start of the course.Keeping..
NRs. 555.00 NRs. 695.00
The first book in dental hygienist course in the last 18 years since the start of the course.Keeping..
NRs. 660.00 NRs. 825.00
The first book in dental hygienist course in the last 18 years since the start of the course.Keeping..
NRs. 560.00 NRs. 700.00
Concise Medical Dictionary
Salient features:Nepali terms have been added for the common diseases.The annex contains the nationa..
NRs. 875.00 NRs. 1,095.00
Concise Textbook of Microbiology and Parasitology
A book of Microbiology and Parasitology for the undergraduates programs- Nursing, Medical and Para..
NRs. 635.00 NRs. 795.00
DEMOGRAPHY for Medical, Health and Social Science Students
Special Features of this editionIrrelevant materials are deleted, rewritten & reorganized.Errors..
NRs. 955.00 NRs. 1,195.00
Dental Hygienist Licensing Exam Easy Entry
Salient features: High yield revision notes of all subjects with an adequate number of MCQs and..
NRs. 780.00 NRs. 975.00
English for Health Sciences CTEVT
Salient features of the book:Based on New Exam Pattern Includes Chapter-wise MCQsIncorporates C..
NRs. 540.00 NRs. 675.00
Essential Textbook of Basic Medicine II
The book integrates the essential resources in Basic medicine for the student and health servi..
NRs. 700.00 NRs. 875.00
Essential Textbook of Basic Medicine-I
Salient Features:The book integrates the essential resources in Basic medicine for the student..
NRs. 650.00 NRs. 815.00
This book fulfills the present need of a suitable resource book in Health Education.It covers update..
NRs. 460.00 NRs. 575.00
Essential Textbook of Basic Surgery-II
This book contains detailed information on each unit of the different sections including past questi..
NRs. 555.00 NRs. 695.00
Essential Textbook of Biochemistry and Microbiology
This book fulfills the present need of a suitable resource book in basic biochemistry and microbiolo..
NRs. 555.00 NRs. 695.00
Essential Textbook of BOTANY Including Health & Applied Science
Salient Features:Updated and formatted with texts , illustrated pictures , MCQs section and Se..
NRs. 660.00 NRs. 825.00
Essential Textbook of Chemistry for Health & Applied Science CTEVT
Salient Features:Updated and formatted with texts , illustrated pictures , MCQs section and Se..
NRs. 700.00 NRs. 875.00
Essential Textbook of Clinical Pathology
Essentials of Clinical Pathology is a concise textbook that provides basic information about laborat..
NRs. 555.00 NRs. 695.00
Essential Textbook of Health Management
Health management is a dynamic and growing discipline, with a wide range of opportunities and challe..
NRs. 540.00 NRs. 675.00
Essential Textbook of Mathematics and Statistics for Health & Applied Science
Salient features:For Health & Applied Science CTEVT Including Basic Computer Skills and Practica..
NRs. 640.00 NRs. 800.00
Essential Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
The book integrates the essential resources in Basic Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the student and ..
NRs. 660.00 NRs. 825.00
Essential Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
This book fulfills the present need of a suitable resource book in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.It cover..
NRs. 580.00 NRs. 725.00
Essential Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry II
This book fulfills the present need of a suitable resource book in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.It cover..
NRs. 635.00 NRs. 795.00
Essential Textbook of Pharmaceutics-I
The salient features of this book include;• Based on latest revised curriculum of CTEVT (2021) and e..
NRs. 520.00 NRs. 650.00
Essential Textbook of Pharmaceutics-II
Salient features of the book:Based on latest revised curriculum of CTEVT (2021) and equally useful f..
NRs. 555.00 NRs. 695.00
Essential Textbook of Physics for Health and Applied Science
Salient features:Updated and formatted with texts , illustrated pictures , MCQs section and Se..
NRs. 780.00 NRs. 975.00
Exam Manual for PCL Dental Science - CDS (Dental Hygiene) : 3rd Year
This book contains all the past questions including latest one with their solution and extra note.Ta..
NRs. 540.00 NRs. 675.00
Exam Manual for PCL Dental Science- CDS (Dental Hygiene) 2nd Year
This book contains all the past questions including latest one with their solution and extra note.Ta..
NRs. 620.00 NRs. 775.00
Federal Loksewa Aayog GK and IQ Special for 5th level Prabidhik
Salient Features:Based on federal loksewa 5th level prabidhik written examination.Updated subject ma..
NRs. 475.00 NRs. 595.00
H.A. Mentor for Loksewa (बागमती प्रदेश विशेष अतिरिक्त पुस्तिका)
Salient Features : Based on new syllabus of H.A.Strictly based on curriculum provided by Bagmat..
NRs. 315.00 NRs. 395.00
HA Mentor for Loksewa (Lumbini Province Special Edition)
In the seventh edition of the book following matters have been done to make a student stay ahead in ..
NRs. 1,595.00 NRs. 1,995.00
HA Mentor for Loksewa (Part I and II Combined)
Features of the book:1. Book based on the course of all provinces Public Service Commission and..
NRs. 2,390.00 NRs. 2,990.00
HA Mentor for Loksewa (कर्णाली प्रदेश ) Subjective Question-Answer Additional Booklet
Designed For Federal and Karnali Province Loksewa examination.It incorporates utmost coverage ..
NRs. 540.00 NRs. 675.00
HA Mentor for Loksewa - Part I
Salient Features of the Book:Aligned with the updated syllabus of the Federal Public Service Commiss..
NRs. 1,435.00 NRs. 1,795.00
HA Mentor for Loksewa - Part II
Salient Features of the Book:The book is designed according to the latest syllabus of the Federal Pu..
NRs. 955.00 NRs. 1,195.00
HA Mentor for Loksewa(Sudurpaschim Province Special Edition)
Salient features:1. All the contents are strictly based on Revised Loksewa syllabus of Sudurpaschim ..
NRs. 1,460.00 NRs. 1,825.00
Handbook of Biochemistry and Microbiology
The book presents the core concepts of Biochemistry and Microbiology in a lucid presentation.The bo..
NRs. 320.00 NRs. 400.00
Handbook of Checklist for Practical Medicine
A needful concise book for MBBS Clinical Science students, junior intern, intern and other practitio..
NRs. 300.00 NRs. 375.00
Health Assistant (H.A.) LICENSE MENTOR
Key features of this book include:• Inclusion of recently asked memory-based NHPC..
NRs. 1,000.00 NRs. 1,250.00
Health Assistant Complete Solution for Third Year
A complete subject wise/chapter wise solution of past and probable Questions of General Medicine (H...
NRs. 620.00 NRs. 775.00
Featuring the book:A Manual for Interview preparation of Loksewa and competitive Health ..
NRs. 555.00 NRs. 695.00
Lab Assistant Easy Entry
Quick Review of Microbiology, Biochemistey Parasitology, Haematology, Histopathology and Anatom..
NRs. 715.00 NRs. 895.00