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The Textbook of Ophthalmology
The Textbook of Ophthalmology ,Targeted to Undergraduate and Paramedic Ophthalmic Science Students.E..
NRs. 955.00 NRs. 1,195.00
AIIMS Protocols in Neonatology Core Protocols 3ed, 2 Vol Set.
This book guides you and others involved in caring for sick and normal newborn babies. It is a compe..
NRs. 2,175.00 NRs. 2,718.00
The second edition of the book “An Evidence-Based Clinical Textbook in Obstetrics and Gynaecology fo..
NRs. 5,110.00 NRs. 6,392.00
An Insider's Guide to Clinical Medicine
Contains everything required for practical examination for medical students (both undergraduates and..
NRs. 1,530.00 NRs. 1,912.00
An Insider’s Guide to Cases in Clinical Medicine
"Covers all the common cases kept for practical examination (both undergraduates and postgraduates) ..
NRs. 1,085.00 NRs. 1,360.00
Andrews' Diseases of the Skin, International Edition: Clinical Dermatology
Effectively diagnose and treat a wide range of skin conditions with the latest edition of the highly..
NRs. 11,570.00 NRs. 14,461.00
Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery
The 28th edition of Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery continues to provide the essential..
NRs. 6,850.00 NRs. 9,496.00
Basic Anesthesiology
The book is based on curriculum of various medical academy and medical universities in Nepal and S..
NRs. 480.00 NRs. 600.00
Basics Of Anesthesia: First South Asia
Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you a different kinds ..
NRs. 4,130.00 NRs. 5,164.00
Bedside Clinics in Surgery
Bedside Clinics In Surgery is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of Medicine. The ..
NRs. 2,040.00 NRs. 2,552.00
Braunwald's Heart Disease: International Edition, 12e
Balanced, dependable content on rapidly changing clinical science, clinical and translational resear..
NRs. 15,800.00 NRs. 19,752.00
Campbells Operative Orthopaedics
Still the most widely used comprehensive resource in orthopaedic surgery Campbell’s Operative Orthop..
NRs. 45,450.00 NRs. 56,809.00
Case Discussions in Surgery with Questions and Answers
This book covers all important and commonly encountered cases in the surgical domain. Based on the e..
NRs. 610.00 NRs. 760.00
Clinical Anesthesia 2 Volume Set - Barash
Clinical AnesthesiaPaul G. Barash, Bruce F Cullen, Robert K Stoelting, guptasearch tags: bara, clini..
NRs. 13,435.00 NRs. 16,798.00
Clinical Oncology of Female Genital Tract
A resourceful book for UG and PG students, Professionals and Practitioners.A book by the highl..
NRs. 715.00 NRs. 895.00
Cloherty and Starks Manual of Neonatal Care (SAE)
Cloherty and Stark's Manual of Neonatal Care, second SAE, showcases the scientific prowess and statur..
NRs. 2,240.00 NRs. 2,800.00
Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Medicine
"Thoroughly updated and revised as per CBME curriculum laid down by NMC. Chapters on AETCOM, Pain an..
NRs. 2,295.00 NRs. 2,872.00
Fischer's Mastery of Surgery 2VOL SET
Key Features:Provides extensive coverage of vascular surgery as well as of common thoracic, breast, ..
NRs. 20,475.00 NRs. 25,598.00
Fundamentals of Infertility Treatment
Fundamentals of Infertility treatment offers answers to most challenging concepts of infertility. Un..
NRs. 955.00 NRs. 1,195.00
Glasscock-Shambaugh Surgery of the Ear
New Chapters written by well-recognized leaders that include the latest research and clinical s..
NRs. 4,600.00 NRs. 5,752.00
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol.1 & Vol.2)
Presented in two volumes: Volume 1 is devoted to foundational principles, cardinal manifestations ..
NRs. 19,000.00 NRs. 23,760.00
Harrisons Manual of Medicine, 20th /e 2020
The Harrison’s Manual, derived from most clinically salient content featured in Harrison's Prin..
NRs. 1,760.00 NRs. 2,072.00
Illustrated Synopsis of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases-Neena Khanna
New to This Edition • Covers the UG curriculum according to competency-based guidelines enunciated ..
NRs. 1,900.00 NRs. 2,442.00
Infertility and Solutions
Infertility and Solutions पुस्तक सरल नेपाली भाषामा सर्बसाधारणले बुझ्ने गरी लेख्ने प्रयास ..
NRs. 280.00 NRs. 350.00
Jopling's Handbook of Leprosy
Numerous new clinical images and schematic diagrams added to chaptersUnderlining of important textCr..
NRs. 2,810.00 NRs. 3,512.00
Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology, International Edition
Uses targeted text, bulleted lists, tables and visual aids to highlight salient points across all op..
NRs. 9,465.00 NRs. 11,832.00
Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry
It is a complete overview of the entire field of psychiatry for clinicians, residents, students and ..
NRs. 6,730.00 NRs. 8,414.00
Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine
New diagrammatic anatomy and physiology overviews at the beginning of clinical systems chaptersColo..
NRs. 5,375.00 NRs. 6,720.00
Long Cases In Clinical Medicine
All the chapters in this edition have been extensively revised and updated. Many topics have been re..
NRs. 2,240.00 NRs. 2,800.00
Manipal Manual Of Surgery
The genesis of the manual is attributed to the tremendous response to my lecture notes in surgery. T..
NRs. 2,425.00 NRs. 3,032.00
Manual of Practical Ophthalmology
A Comprehensive Practical Manual of Ophthalmology .Targeted to Undergraduate and Paramedic Ophthalmi..
NRs. 395.00 NRs. 395.00
Miller's Anesthesia ( 2 Vol Set)
From fundamental principles to advanced subspecialty procedures, Miller's Anesthesia covers the full..
NRs. 29,085.00 NRs. 36,355.00
Modern System of Ophthalmology (MSO) series comprises separate volumes on different subspecialt..
NRs. 2,550.00 NRs. 3,192.00
Objective Anesthesia Review ( A Comprehensive Textbook for Examinees)
This edition marks the transition to full color along with a new Chapter on perioperative fluid ther..
NRs. 2,240.00 NRs. 2,800.00
ONE Touch Pathology
pecial Features★ Written and Compiled by Leading Faculty and Subject Expert of Pathology★ Enriched w..
NRs. 575.00 NRs. 720.00
Ophthalmology International Edition
Long considered one of ophthalmology’s premier texts, this award-winning title by Drs. Myron Ya..
NRs. 19,150.00 NRs. 23,942.00
Orell and Sterrett's Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
Orell & Sterrett’s Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology 5e provides you with a logical and systematic..
NRs. 10,030.00 NRs. 12,536.00
Parson's Diseases of the EYE
"NEW TO THIS EDITION • Content thoroughly revised and updated • Addition of new clinical pictures an..
NRs. 2,365.00 NRs. 2,955.00
Pediatric Nephrology
For over three decades, Pediatric Nephrology has been a trusted resource for postgraduate teaching i..
NRs. 3,830.00 NRs. 4,792.00
Postgraduate Medicine (3 Volumes): Three Volume Set
A modern-day textbook need to incorporate the latest evidence in a comprehensive and simplified mann..
NRs. 5,115.00 NRs. 6,392.00
Pregnancy & Safe Motherhood
Pregnancy & Safe Motherhood पुस्तक सरल नेपाली भाषामा सर्बसाधारणले बुझ्ने गरी लेख्ने प्रयास ..
NRs. 340.00 NRs. 425.00
Principles of Health Science Research
A needful and resourceful book for health care research crafted out by Medical resear..
NRs. 480.00 NRs. 600.00
Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 27
Recent advances in obstetrics & gynaecology 27 is the ideal resource for keeping abreast new dev..
NRs. 2,040.00 NRs. 2,552.00
Recent Advances in Surgery 40
Surgery is a constantly evolving specialty in medicine – research and technological advances have ma..
NRs. 2,040.00 NRs. 2,552.00
Review of Dermatology - Saurabh Jindal
Best-selling book by subject specialists.Includes new INI-CET pattern questions.Images in full color..
NRs. 1,400.00 NRs. 1,752.00
Roshan Lall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery (Volume 17)
The edition of Roshan Lall Gupta’s recent advances in surgery (Vol. 17) has covered advances in vari..
NRs. 3,450.00 NRs. 4,312.00