The book contains all the important topics like Anatomy, Metallurgy, X-ray, Orthosis and prosthesis, plaster of Paris and application techniques, basics of tourniquet applications, basic orthopedic implants and instruments and sample questions for the OSCE as well, which is so important for practical examination. This book compiles such an important information on those topics.
“Orthopedic Viva made easy” a handbook especially compiled and designed for medical students, is going to be a useful guide for both UG and PG students. Viva is usually a nightmare for every examinee. Not knowing what and how will the questions be asked is one of the biggest problems of Viva. A book to guide the systematic approach to respond the questions gives the student confidence as well as reproducible knowledge. This book is concise yet comprehensively written in simple understandable language. It explains the basic approach to questions, clarifies characteristics, specific features and functions of implant, instruments, orthoses, prostheses and many more chapters, which every exam going students must know.
- Publisher: Samiksha Publication
- Product Code: CS15
- Author(s): Dr. Amit Joshi
- Edition: First
- Published Year: First 2077 (20
- ISBN: 9789937710792
- Pages: 168
- Availability: In Stock
- NRs. 625.00
NRs. 500.00