- More than 30 new chapters are added like Rotary
Endodontics, Maxillofacial Trauma, Nanosciences, Dental Implants etc.References
and studies have been added to provide the reader ample opportunity to
understand and comprehend the subject .New updated concepts and
definitions.According to the new Dental Council of India (DCI)
curriculum.Edition is more reader-friendly with most of the textual formatting
in points and flow charts.New formatting of the book with better tables and
readout boxes to help remember important points.Self-explanatory questions and
points to remember added at the end of each chapter.More than 200 illustrated
figures and 500 clinical photographs.Scientific references are quoted
specifically and are updated till 2013.
Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry-Nikhil Marwah
- Publisher: Jaypee brothers medical publishers
- Product Code: 9789356961012
- Author(s): Nikhil Marwah
- Edition: 5TH
- Published Year: 2023
- ISBN: 9789356961012
- Pages: 1112
- Availability: In Stock
- NRs. 3,760.00
NRs. 3,010.00
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