- An ample Coverage of MCQs and High Yield Revision notes for Dental Science Basic Subjects with authenticated answers and necessary reasoning
- A MCQs Collection of BDS Internal, Semester, Pre-board & University Exams
- The questions are based on memory of exam appeared students with answers and necessary explanation by medical faculties and doctors.
- Quick review for each subjects of Clinical Science for Minor.
- Important Points & tables included.
- Targeted to Board exams, Dental NMCLE and Loksewa
Target MCQs for Dental Science Vol.-I, Basic Subjects
- Publisher: Samiksha Publication
- Product Code: NH1112
- Author(s): Prabhat Kafle, Susan Thapa
- Edition: 1st
- Published Year: 2020
- Pages: 440
- Availability: In Stock
- NRs. 625.00
NRs. 500.00
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