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HAPPY DASHAIN, DIPAWALI and CHHATH  2081Samiksha Publication and our sister concerns -Samiksha Books Center, Bagbazar and Samiksha Books P.Ltd. New Plaza would like to extend ..

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Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book

Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book

Based on HMIS morbidity of Government of Nepal and Non HMIS diseases.Updated guidelines and protocol..

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Comprehensive Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology

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Comprehensive Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

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FAQs in Pediatrics

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Samiksha's MBBS Entrance Exams SOLVED QUESTIONS (2 Vol Set )

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Dental Dream for Loksewa - A Manual for Dental Doctors

Dental Dream for Loksewa - A Manual for Dental Doctors

Features of Dental Dream for Loksewa:Based on syllabus of Federal and all Provincial Public Service ..

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Dentistry for MBBS

Dentistry for MBBS

Salient Features:A short textbook of Dental science for MBBS students.Based on MBBS final year denta..

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Loksewa Review of Management and General Health Issues for First Paper - 9th and 11th Level

Loksewa Review of Management and General Health Issues for First Paper - 9th and 11th Level

Salient features of this edition:• Inclusion of various updated health related acts, regulations, gu..

NRs. 1,195.00 NRs. 1,495.00

NMCLE Easy Entry For Dental Doctors

NMCLE Easy Entry For Dental Doctors

NMCLE is not such a hard nut to crack but preparing the exam going back through the entire syllabus ..

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Target MCQs for Dental Science Vol.-I, Basic Subjects

Target MCQs for Dental Science Vol.-I, Basic Subjects

  An ample Coverage of MCQs and High Yield Revision notes for Dental Science Basic Subjects wit..

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Target MCQs for Dental Science Vol.-II, Clinical Subjects

Target MCQs for Dental Science Vol.-II, Clinical Subjects

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Target MDS for Common Entrance Exam

Target MDS for Common Entrance Exam

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