AC's Introduction to Clinical Medicine
Presents a comprehensive contents to cover the syllabus • Includes boxes to highlight important..
NRs. 650.00 NRs. 816.00
An Insider's Guide to Clinical Medicine
Contains everything required for practical examination for medical students (both undergraduates and..
NRs. 1,530.00 NRs. 1,912.00
An Objective approach to Preventive and Social Medicine
Exposure to all relevant areas of public health/community medicineBasic and Applied Epidemiology, B..
NRs. 580.00 NRs. 725.00
Bedside clinics in Medicine Part - 1 : Arup Kumar Kundu
This book has been written for undergraduate students but should also be useful for post-graduate st..
NRs. 1,275.00 NRs. 1,592.00
he #1 annually updated general medical text –presents the most important diagnostic and treatment re..
NRs. 6,700.00 NRs. 8,376.00
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine
Well over two million medical students, doctors and other health professionals around the globe have..
NRs. 3,500.00 NRs. 5,272.00
Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Medicine
"Thoroughly updated and revised as per CBME curriculum laid down by NMC. Chapters on AETCOM, Pain an..
NRs. 2,295.00 NRs. 2,872.00
Handbook of Checklist for Practical Medicine
A needful concise book for MBBS Clinical Science students, junior intern, intern and other practitio..
NRs. 300.00 NRs. 375.00
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol.1 & Vol.2)
Presented in two volumes: Volume 1 is devoted to foundational principles, cardinal manifestations ..
NRs. 19,000.00 NRs. 23,760.00
Harrisons Manual of Medicine, 20th /e 2020
The Harrison’s Manual, derived from most clinically salient content featured in Harrison's Prin..
NRs. 1,760.00 NRs. 2,072.00
Hutchison's Clinical Methods
All chapters carefully reviewed and updated to reflect modern practice Written by experts in their f..
NRs. 2,865.00 NRs. 3,675.00
Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine
New diagrammatic anatomy and physiology overviews at the beginning of clinical systems chaptersColo..
NRs. 5,375.00 NRs. 6,720.00
Long Cases In Clinical Medicine
All the chapters in this edition have been extensively revised and updated. Many topics have been re..
NRs. 2,240.00 NRs. 2,800.00
Macleod's Clinical Examination macleod's
Primarily focused on the practical skills required by medical students and early career stage clinic..
NRs. 2,790.00 NRs. 3,600.00
This popular textbook encompasses the essence of the latest syllabus prescribed by medical Council o..
NRs. 1,400.00 NRs. 1,752.00
Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine
The Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine is a comprehensive book and a ready reckoner for physicians,ca..
NRs. 3,200.00 NRs. 4,000.00
Manual of Practical Medicine-Alagappan
This sixth edition of the manual though comprises of the basic principles of clinical examination i..
NRs. 2,110.00 NRs. 2,640.00
Medicine: Prep Manual for Undergraduates-Mathew
• Ex tensive revision of majority of answers to keep the students updated in their knowledge in the ..
NRs. 1,730.00 NRs. 2,162.00
Short Cases In Clinical Medicine
This book will serve as a helpful learning manual for undergraduate and PG students preparing for MB..
NRs. 1,960.00 NRs. 2,450.00
The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics
Established for more than 75 years, the Washington Manual of medical therapeutics, 36th edition, pro..
NRs. 2,240.00 NRs. 2,800.00