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Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book

Based on HMIS morbidity of Government of Nepal and Non HMIS diseases.Updated guidelines and protocol..

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Comprehensive Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology

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Comprehensive Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

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FAQs in Pediatrics

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Anesthesia Review

Anesthesia Review

This book has been written to cater to the DNB anesthesiology Board examinations in a comprehensive ..

NRs. 2,495.00 NRs. 3,120.00

Basic Anesthesiology

Basic Anesthesiology

The book is based on curriculum of various medical academy and medical universities in Nepal and S..

NRs. 480.00 NRs. 600.00

Basics Of Anesthesia: First South Asia

Basics Of Anesthesia: First South Asia

Reading books is a kind of enjoyment. Reading books is a good habit. We bring you a different kinds ..

NRs. 4,130.00 NRs. 5,164.00

Clinical Anesthesia 2 Volume Set - Barash

Clinical Anesthesia 2 Volume Set - Barash

Clinical AnesthesiaPaul G. Barash, Bruce F Cullen, Robert K Stoelting, guptasearch tags: bara, clini..

NRs. 13,435.00 NRs. 16,798.00

Handbook of Local Anesthesia -Malamed

Handbook of Local Anesthesia -Malamed

Dr. Stanley F. Malamed’s Handbook of Local Anesthesia, published by Elsevier India, is a ..

NRs. 2,300.00 NRs. 2,985.00

Miller's Anesthesia ( 2 Vol Set)

Miller's Anesthesia ( 2 Vol Set)

From fundamental principles to advanced subspecialty procedures, Miller's Anesthesia covers the full..

NRs. 29,085.00 NRs. 36,355.00

Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology

Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology

The most engagingly written, clinically relevant overview of the practice of anesthesiologyMorgan &a..

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Objective Anesthesia Review ( A Comprehensive Textbook for Examinees)

Objective Anesthesia Review ( A Comprehensive Textbook for Examinees)

This edition marks the transition to full color along with a new Chapter on perioperative fluid ther..

NRs. 2,240.00 NRs. 2,800.00

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia has been re-energized by new editors and a specialist contributo..

NRs. 1,790.00 NRs. 2,104.00

Short Textbook of Anaesthesia

Short Textbook of Anaesthesia

The book is written in a simple understandable language.Descriptions are under easy and simple headi..

NRs. 400.00 NRs. 520.00

Short Textbook of Anesthesia

Short Textbook of Anesthesia

This seventh edition has been fully revised to present students with the latest advances in anaesthe..

NRs. 890.00 NRs. 1,112.00

Understanding Anesthesia Equipment - Dorsch

Understanding Anesthesia Equipment - Dorsch

Understanding Anesthesia Equipment has always been an ultimate and most reliable resource of informa..

NRs. 6,400.00 NRs. 8,005.00

Yao & Artusio's Anesthesiology 9th SAE

Yao & Artusio's Anesthesiology 9th SAE

This bestselling text remains the study and review reference of choice for both residents and practi..

NRs. 5,430.00 NRs. 6,788.00

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