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HAPPY DASHAIN, DIPAWALI and CHHATH  2081Samiksha Publication and our sister concerns -Samiksha Books Center, Bagbazar and Samiksha Books P.Ltd. New Plaza would like to extend ..

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Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book

Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book

Based on HMIS morbidity of Government of Nepal and Non HMIS diseases.Updated guidelines and protocol..

NRs. 980.00 NRs. 1,225.00

Comprehensive Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology

Comprehensive Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology

The book is developed to address the need of a standard textbook in ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY as per th..

NRs. 1,355.00 NRs. 1,695.00

Comprehensive Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

Comprehensive Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

This release typically carries the highlights and updates in FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY IN NEP..

NRs. 795.00 NRs. 995.00

FAQs in Pediatrics

FAQs in Pediatrics

The book aims to provide contents from experience and khowledge from veteran faculties and clinici..

NRs. 555.00 NRs. 695.00

Samiksha's MBBS Entrance Exams SOLVED QUESTIONS (2 Vol Set )

Samiksha's MBBS Entrance Exams SOLVED QUESTIONS (2 Vol Set )

MEC CEE 2021-2023 Questions with exclusive complete solution with reasoning. CEE Syl..

NRs. 2,200.00 NRs. 2,750.00

Bishal’s Concise Physics

Bishal’s Concise Physics

Salient Features:Interactive way of theoretical presentation with highly selected MCQs written by th..

NRs. 760.00 NRs. 950.00



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The book contains all the important topics like Anatomy, Metallurgy, X-ray, Orthosis and prosthesis,..

NRs. 500.00 NRs. 625.00

A Comprehensive overview of all subjects for PG ACCESS (MD/MS Entrance Manual)

A Comprehensive overview of all subjects for PG ACCESS (MD/MS Entrance Manual)

PG ACCESS is concise and comprehensive review of all subjects with the fastest and easiest approach ..

NRs. 1,595.00 NRs. 1,995.00

Apley and Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma

Apley and Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma

Apley and Solomon’s Concise System of Orthopaedics and Trauma is firmly established as the leading i..

NRs. 5,755.00 NRs. 7,192.00

Art of Clinical Surgery

Art of Clinical Surgery

Salient features:This book is an attempt to make the readers familiar with the systematic approach t..

NRs. 1,195.00 NRs. 1,495.00

Bedside Clinics in Medicine Part 2 -  Kundu

Bedside Clinics in Medicine Part 2 - Kundu


NRs. 890.00 NRs. 1,112.00

Bedside Clinics in Orthopedics: Ward Rounds and Tables

Bedside Clinics in Orthopedics: Ward Rounds and Tables

• First if its own kind on practical orthopaedics for postgraduate students and residents.• Enriched..

NRs. 2,040.00 NRs. 2,552.00

Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book

Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book

Based on HMIS morbidity of Government of Nepal and Non HMIS diseases.Updated guidelines and protocol..

NRs. 980.00 NRs. 1,225.00

Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book (नेपाली माध्यममा)

Clinical Aspect OPD Guide Book (नेपाली माध्यममा)

नेपाल सरकारको स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्थापन सूचना प्रणाली (HMIS) तथा संशोधित रोग उपचार निर्देशिकाहरुमा आधारित..

NRs. 955.00 NRs. 1,195.00



The book facilitates health care practitioners and professionals in their actions and performance d..

NRs. 580.00 NRs. 725.00



Salient Features:A well structured manual for clinical examinations and practicals in clinical phase..

NRs. 1,755.00 NRs. 2,195.00

Clinical Quick Access

Clinical Quick Access

Complete and most updated with chapter wise presentation for Quick Access.Includes Important Semeste..

NRs. 700.00 NRs. 875.00



Salient Features:An exclusive review of allied subjects of MBBS based of TU syllabus.Complete review..

NRs. 715.00 NRs. 895.00



Salient Features:An exclusive review of major subjects in MBBS. based on Syllabus of TUComplete solu..

NRs. 1,820.00 NRs. 2,275.00



Salient Features:Complete review of TU & KU based Clinical subject.Mnemonics,extra notes & r..

NRs. 715.00 NRs. 895.00

Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine

Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine

Well over two million medical students, doctors and other health professionals around the globe have..

NRs. 3,500.00 NRs. 5,272.00

Dermatology Review ( A Must for PG Entrance Exams)

Dermatology Review ( A Must for PG Entrance Exams)

A concise question bank with explanations• Covers a wide range of most common dermatological conditi..

NRs. 280.00 NRs. 360.00

Drug Doses in Children - Meharban Singh

Drug Doses in Children - Meharban Singh

This is an updated and expanded edition of the popular pocketbook aimed to serve the needs of medica..

NRs. 610.00 NRs. 760.00

ENT for Entrance Exams (EEE)

ENT for Entrance Exams (EEE)

We would like to thank all our students for the overwh..

NRs. 1,345.00 NRs. 1,680.00

FAQs in Pediatrics

FAQs in Pediatrics

The book aims to provide contents from experience and khowledge from veteran faculties and clinici..

NRs. 555.00 NRs. 695.00

Fast Track Clinical Science MBBS 3rd Year Vol-4 Part I  and II

Fast Track Clinical Science MBBS 3rd Year Vol-4 Part I and II

Best partitions of the book for easy handling.Reader friendly presentation.Complete coverage of each..

NRs. 1,980.00 NRs. 2,475.00

Fast Track Clinical Science TU MBBS Final year Vol -5

Fast Track Clinical Science TU MBBS Final year Vol -5

   Review of syllabus with past questions in topic-wise breakdown. Best partitions o..

NRs. 2,900.00 NRs. 3,625.00

Fast Track Clinical Science TU Third year (TU FT Vol-III)

Fast Track Clinical Science TU Third year (TU FT Vol-III)

Salient features:Broad review of syllabus with past questions in topic-wise breakdownBest partitions..

NRs. 1,035.00 NRs. 1,295.00

Final Touch to MBBS Vol I & II

Final Touch to MBBS Vol I & II

Salient Features:A comprehensive prep. manual for Clinical Science Final MBBS as per new exam p..

NRs. 1,320.00 NRs. 1,650.00

First Aid For The USMLE Step 2 CK 2023

First Aid For The USMLE Step 2 CK 2023

Key Features:1. Co-written by students who excelled on the recent exam and reviewed by top faculty2...

NRs. 4,100.00 NRs. 5,134.00

Flashback Clinical Science for Allied Subjects

Flashback Clinical Science for Allied Subjects

A Clinical Approach to all allied subjectsDermatology AnesthesiaRadiologyPsychiatryDental..

NRs. 720.00 NRs. 900.00

Flashback Clinical Science for Minor Subjects VOL-I,II

Flashback Clinical Science for Minor Subjects VOL-I,II

Flashback clinical science minor subjects for Clinical examinations  A well structur..

NRs. 1,595.00 NRs. 1,995.00

Fundamentals of ECG

Fundamentals of ECG

Fundamentals of ECG has been written in a simple language and provides complete coverage of all impo..

NRs. 130.00 NRs. 160.00

Goldberger's Clinical  Electrocardiography ( A simplified approach)

Goldberger's Clinical Electrocardiography ( A simplified approach)

Ideal for students and as a review for practicing clinicians, Goldberger's Clinical Electrocard..

NRs. 1,635.00 NRs. 2,040.00

Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound - Palmer

Manual of Diagnostic Ultrasound - Palmer

A didactic, illustrated guide to the use of ultrasound as a diagnostic tool in clinical practice. Pr..

NRs. 1,655.00 NRs. 1,840.00

Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography

Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography

Providing a solid foundation in current ECG technology as well as the newest diagnostic applications..

NRs. 2,880.00 NRs. 3,600.00

MOM Mehra's Orthopedics for MCI - Apurv Mehra

MOM Mehra's Orthopedics for MCI - Apurv Mehra

Concise, compact and comprehensive for easy understanding.• Enriched with lots of diagrams and new i..

NRs. 365.00 NRs. 472.00

Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology

Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology

The most engagingly written, clinically relevant overview of the practice of anesthesiologyMorgan &a..

NRs. 6,355.00 NRs. 7,945.00

New Across ( A complete review of Short Subjects) - Vol 5

New Across ( A complete review of Short Subjects) - Vol 5

The first and the most sought after subjectwise book for PGMEE and the bestselling MCQs book on shor..

NRs. 1,275.00 NRs. 1,592.00

Objective Anesthesia Review ( A Comprehensive Textbook for Examinees)

Objective Anesthesia Review ( A Comprehensive Textbook for Examinees)

This edition marks the transition to full color along with a new Chapter on perioperative fluid ther..

NRs. 2,240.00 NRs. 2,800.00

Obstetrics and Gynecology Exam Made Easy

Obstetrics and Gynecology Exam Made Easy

Salient features:Incorporates some standard sample multiple choice, short answer questions and objec..

NRs. 795.00 NRs. 995.00

Practical ENT-Vikas Sinha

Practical ENT-Vikas Sinha

This book is truly practical, unique, and to the point. Based on competency-based medical education ..

NRs. 505.00 NRs. 632.00

PROAFS for NBE - Vivek Jain

PROAFS for NBE - Vivek Jain

Salient Features : - First book based on latest, changing, evolving pattern of PG Examinations, Auth..

NRs. 1,435.00 NRs. 1,912.00

PROAFS Radiology for NBE/FMGE - Vivek Jain

PROAFS Radiology for NBE/FMGE - Vivek Jain

Chapter-wise Synopsis of Radiology with image-based Qs (Integrated Approach) •More than 750 Explaine..

NRs. 360.00 NRs. 480.00

Radiology Exam Made Easy

Radiology Exam Made Easy

Any examination in medical fi eld requires planned preparation from early days. One should be famili..

NRs. 475.00 NRs. 595.00

Review of Postgraduate  Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 3

Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 3

Completely revised , edited and updated into new pattern  with relevant text of chapt..

NRs. 2,040.00 NRs. 2,400.00

Review of Psychiatry - Praveen Tripathi

Review of Psychiatry - Praveen Tripathi

Key FeaturesBest-selling book by subject specialist.Thoroughly updated with all recent questions.Inc..

NRs. 930.00 NRs. 1,160.00

SBN's Manual of Community Medicine

SBN's Manual of Community Medicine

Salient Features:Concise yet complete and comprehensive text of Community Medicine.The most updated ..

NRs. 395.00 NRs. 495.00

SBN's Manual of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

SBN's Manual of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Concise yet complete and comprehensive text of Forensic Medicine & ToxicologyThe most updated an..

NRs. 680.00 NRs. 850.00

Self  Assessment  and Review of Short Subjects - Vivek Jain

Self Assessment and Review of Short Subjects - Vivek Jain

Largest collection of MCQs/images/image based questions/Radiology images/Instruments/Procedures Brie..

NRs. 2,040.00 NRs. 2,552.00

Self Assessment and Review of Ophthalmology - Sudha Seetharam

Self Assessment and Review of Ophthalmology - Sudha Seetharam

Key FeaturesConcise text referenced from Clinical Ophthalmology: Kanski, Ophthalmology: Yanoff and D..

NRs. 830.00 NRs. 1,040.00

SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery

SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery

"The book is written as per the Competency-Based Medical Education Curriculum. Relevant CBME numbers..

NRs. 1,655.00 NRs. 2,072.00

Target MCQs For Clinical Science Volume IV - Major Subjects

Target MCQs For Clinical Science Volume IV - Major Subjects

A Memory Based MCQs collection of MBBS Internal , Semester , Pre-board & University Exam upt..

NRs. 1,995.00 NRs. 2,495.00

Target MCQs for Clinical Sciences, Minor Subjects ( Vol. III)

Target MCQs for Clinical Sciences, Minor Subjects ( Vol. III)

Highlights of The Book• TARGETS what you really need to know• Minimizes tedious effort and saves ple..

NRs. 1,220.00 NRs. 1,525.00

Textbook of Clinical Research

Textbook of Clinical Research

This first of its kind book in India, Textbook of clinical research, deals with the process of clini..

NRs. 495.00 NRs. 616.00

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