Translating Evidence into Practice boxes • Thinking Critically questions • Integrating Pharmacology boxes • Bridge to Critical Care and Bridge to Home Health Care boxes • Feature boxes highlighting issues in Critical Monitoring • Management and Delegation boxes • Genetic Links, Terrorism Alert, and Community-Based Practice boxes • Physical Assessment in the Healthy Adult and Integrating Diagnostic Studies boxes • Safety Alert icons • Digital Resources available on the MedEnact website Description The second South Asia edition of Black’s Adult Health Nursing I & II (including Geriatric Nursing) has been comprehensively updated to suit the regional curricula for undergraduate nursing students. This book will help student nurses to acquire the knowledge and skill required to render quality nursing care for all common medical and surgical conditions. The contents have been made easy to understand using case studies, concept maps, critical monitoring boxes, care plans, and more. This text provides a reliable foundation in anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, medical-surgical management, and nursing care for the full spectrum of adult health conditions and is richly illustrated with flow charts, drawings and photographs, and South Asian epidemiological disease data for better understanding of the subject. Integrating Pharmacology boxes help students understand how medications are used for disease management by exploring common classifications of routinely used medications. Review questions have been added to all the units within this book. This second South Asia edition will be a valuable addition to every student nurse’s bookshelf, given the revisions and modifications undertaken in line with the revised Indian Nursing Council (INC) curriculum.