- A well structured for basic science examinations and practicals in basic phase MBBS.
- Includes all major basic science subjects (Anatomy,microbiology.pharmacology,Biochemistry,Pathology and Physiology)
- A two volumes Practical manual for basic science subjects based on Practical exam pattern with theoretical coverage and VIVA in full coloured version.
- Relevant anatomy, history taking with explanation & summary
- Examples of case taking and relevant theories with explanation of important points.
- Useful for basic science students in ICM,cover all topics needed for practical classes & examination.
Flashback Basic Science For Practicals Vol-I &II
- Publisher: Samiksha Publication
- Product Code: MR241
- Author(s): Dr.Arun Shah,Dr.Anil Regmi
- Edition: 1st
- Published Year: 2019
- ISBN: 978-9937-710-49-7
- Pages: 1042
- Availability: In Stock
- NRs. 1,995.00
NRs. 1,595.00