- प्रकृति र जीवनका अनूभुति र दृष्टिकोण समेटिएको लेखकका नबिनतम उच्च विचार र भनाइहरुको संग्रह
- A collection of author's point of view " Well Saying" on different issues of life and nature.
- A book work of intellectual Quotes and well thoughts.
सूक्तिसंग्रह - प्रकृति र जीवन अनूभुति र दृष्टिकोण
- Publisher: Samiksha Publication
- Product Code: AT157
- Author(s): Raghu Nath Adhikari
- Edition: 1st
- Editor: 2017
- ISBN: 9789937918169
- Pages: 132
- Availability: In Stock
- NRs. 250.00
NRs. 200.00